newmusicensemble is committed to performing the most exciting works of the ever-expanding contemporary repertoire including landmark compositions by Gerard Brophy, Robert Davidson and Paul Stanhope. Eleven new works have been written for MERCURYnewmusicensemble, they have performed at the Queensland Art Gallery, frequently at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, and were first prizewinners in the 2001 4MBS Festival of Classics Chamber Music Competition. The ensemble has participated in masterclasses with Henri Bok (The Netherlands) and at the 2001 International Music Workshops Conference.The performers of
MERCURYnewmusicensemble have international performance experience as soloists and ensemble members. They have twice been the featured ensemble in concerts produced by composer collective, NovaSonus. MERCURYnewmusicensemble are performing at the Metro Arts Theatre, The Queensland Art Gallery, Fusions Gallery, ABC Studios and the Queensland Conservatorium of Music (NovaSonus) in 2003 with music by Louis Andriessen, Gerard Brophy, Nick Didkovsky, Richard Haynes, Elena Kats-Chernin, David Lang, Anika Mittendorf, Peter Rankine, Paul Stanhope and Michael Torke.
The initiative and profound musicianship demonstrated by this energetic collective is impressive and formidable" Gerard BrophyMERCURY
newmusicensemble: rich_haynes@hotmail.comNovaSonus