Body Parts
Nick Didkovsky - guitar
Guigou Chenevier - drums
Body Parts joins the forces of two composer / band leaders in a tight, energetic, and creatively charged duo.
Nick Didkovsky (guitar) has led his own Doctor Nerve ensemble since 1983, while Guigou Chenevier (drums)
was a member of the seminal French art-rock band, Etron Fou LeLoublan, and currently leads his own avant-folk
ensemble Volapuk. The new duo pushes the envelope of the duo form; their work ranges from explosive short song
forms to long, sonically-rich improvisations.
New CD on CCAM, distributed in the USA by
MP3 previews:
Body Parts, European gigs
-23 Novembre Coustellet
-24 Novembre Schio
-25 Novembre Meldola
-26 Novembre Genève
-27/28 Nancy
-29 Novembre Lille
-30 Novembre Rennes
-01 Decembre Cherbourg
-02 Decembre Bielefeld
-03 Decembre Münster
August 25, 2001, Mulhouse Festival, Mulhouse, France. ( 8.30 PM in Noumatrouff, same bill than Pauvros solo, Mengelberg-Bennink duo, Alan Silva-Johannes Bauer, Roger Turner trio)
August 28, 2001, Cave 12, Geneva, Switzerland, (probably around 10 P.M.)
August 30, 2001, a boat in Rotterdam, called Stubnitz, close to the "New York Hotel". Concert time in the evening...9 PM or so
September 1, 2001, Gronigen, Holland. Concert is in a farm at 20 kms north of Groningen, at 4 PM, details forthcoming.
Nick Didkovsky
Guigou Chenevier